Private practice
1. Correct answer is D. Explanation: It’s a legal requirement and a licensing condition for a provisional licence holder to display at least one red L-plate to the front of the vehicle, and at least one L-plate to the rear. The plates must conform to British Standards (7” square) and must not cover any lights or indicators. They should be displayed on the outside of the vehicle (not in the windows on the inside).
2. Correct answers are A & B. Explanation: Generally, you can apply for a provisional licence at 16. If on the enhanced rate of Personal Independence Payment then this may be applied for at 15 years and 6 months.
3. Correct answer is D. Explanation: The accompanying driver is the responsible adult, responsible for your actions whilst driving. They must have held their UK licence for at least three years and be over 21.
4. Correct answer is A. Explanation: They must be seated in the vehicle in the front passenger seat.
5. Correct answer is D. Explanation: The accompanying driver has the responsibility for your actions. This is why you should ensure that you only drive on roads that you have already been trained to use.
Night driving
1. Correct answer is A. Explanation: Put on your headlights at night and when visibility is reduced such as when it is cloudy and in poor weather.
2. Correct answer is A. Explanation: Keep your foot on the footbrake until you know the following vehicle is slowing down or has stopped behind you. Apply your handbrake when a pause becomes a wait.
3. Correct answer is A. Explanation: Half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise.
4. Correct answer is A. Explanation: Use dipped headlights during the daytime too when visibility is poor such as a cloudy day or when it is raining.
5. Correct answer is A. Explanation: This is usually a small blue dashboard light that comes on when your main or full beam lights are on so as not to dazzle oncoming vehicles.
Rural driving
1. Correct answers are A, B & C. Explanation: Rural roads can have an additional set of hazards so it is essential you have good training and enough of it to safely deal with these types of roads.
2. Correct answers are A, B & C. Explanation: Listening for traffic approaching is very useful, as is knowing where else you can look. Turn down the radio and open the window to help you to hear.
3. Correct answers are A, B & C. Explanation: Mud on the road by farm entrances can give you a clue that a farm vehicle is operating. Don’t forget the farmer and animals too.
4. Correct answers are A & B. Explanation: Road signs and what is on the road are excellent ways to know if a horse rider and horses are up ahead.
5. Correct answers are A & B. Explanation: Passing places help traffic pass more easily when the road is particularly narrow and it is otherwise not possible to get past each other.
Vulnerable road users
1. Correct answers are A, B & C. Explanation: All of these are vulnerable road users. Pedestrians are also considered to be road users too, so don’t forget them! There are many more such as the disabled, the elderly, people on mobility scooters and horse riders.
2. Correct answers are A, B & C. Explanation: Drivers can fall into the trap of not looking for cyclists properly so they are often missed, especially at junctions, in queues of traffic and before drivers pull away from the side of the road.
3. Correct answer is A. Explanation: A white stick with red bands indicates they are both visually and hearing impaired.
4. Correct answers are A, B & C. Explanation: Give horse riders plenty of space and keep your car as quiet as possible as this will spook the horse. Keep back and watch the horse rider who will communicate with you when it is safest to pass. However don’t take another person’s word that it is safe, ALWAYS check yourself.
5. Correct answers are A & B. Explanation: Give elderly pedestrians extra consideration if they are crossing the road. Their eyesight, hearing and ability to judge oncoming traffic may be affected, plus they may be moving more slowly.
General driving knowledge
1. Correct answer is C. Explanation: The red and white squares denote that when the red light shows, even emergency vehicles may not pass.
2. Correct answer is B. Explanation: Only 30mph roads do not have to have any repeater signs.
3. Correct answer is C. Explanation: A dual carriageway has to have a central reservation.
4. Correct answer is B. Explanation: 60, but only if it is safe to do so.
5. Correct answer is B. Explanation: 50